Black Eyed Pea(Chawli)


With its firm texture and nutty flavor, black-eyed peas make a yummy side dish and a hearty addition to any soup or stew. When it comes to packing in nutrition, Good Roots’ super nutrient-rich, black-eyed beans are an excellent source of complex carbs, fiber and many essential vitamins and minerals. They are so full of good nutrition that they’re considered both a protein food and a vegetable.

Shelf Life: 12 months

100% Natural | Additive-free | Ethically Sourced | No Artificial Colour

SKU: N/A Category:

Why is it good for you?

  • The insoluble fiber found in the beans will help keep your gut healthy
  • Helps your cells regenerate and give your body energy
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels and maintain good heart health.
  • Helps Decrease Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

How to use?

These savory legumes can be consumed with rice and rotis. Masala curries, dal, salads as well as sweet dishes like puddings and sundal – a famous south Indian offering can be made.

Food Fact:

Just ½ cup of these beans will help boost your iron by 2.2 mg.